We are a Community Non-Profit Organization
for the support and awareness of Lupus
It is the goal and vision of the L for Lupus Community Foundation to assist, provide moral & financial support, and have an emergency safety net program in place for underprivileged lupus mothers and caregivers.
We can only achieve these goals and provide these services, with the support of the generous community, business owners, community leaders and individuals. Without these generous monetary donations, our efforts would be almost impossible to achieve.
Since our organization truly relies on the generosity of our community and it's members, we are asking for your financial support in these efforts, our current fundraising drive is to: raise funds to provide financial support, provide an emergency care packages, safety services (i.e. assist with essential bills, food, utilities and housing).
We can only achieve these goals and provide these services, with the support of the generous community, business owners, community leaders and individuals. Without these generous monetary donations, our efforts would be almost impossible to achieve.
Since our organization truly relies on the generosity of our community and it's members, we are asking for your financial support in these efforts, our current fundraising drive is to: raise funds to provide financial support, provide an emergency care packages, safety services (i.e. assist with essential bills, food, utilities and housing).